Doctor Gustavo Meirelles receives a certificate of appreciation for his participation in the Japanese Congress of Radiology 2023

The Doctor. Gustavo Meirelles, PhD from the Department of Imaging Diagnosis at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), with a postdoctoral degree and specialization in PET/CT at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, in New York (USA), received, on the 14th April, a certificate of appreciation for participation in the Japanese Congress of Radiology 2023. The tribute was delivered … Continue lendo

CBR Radiological Protection Commission holds Workshop on Justification, Optimization and Quality in Tomography

The CBR Radiological Protection Commission (CPR), with the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Brazilian Association of Medical Physics (ABFM), Brazilian Society of Nuclear Medicine (SBMN) and National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) , held the Workshop on Justification, Optimization and Quality in Tomography, in the week of January 23rd to 27th, … Continue lendo

Open Letter to the Population

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), in accordance with its ethical and statutory principles as well as its commitment and responsibility in providing the best service to the population, hereby informs that it has received a complaint about the performance of ultrasound exams by non-medical professionals, therefore unskilled and/or qualified. – Regarding those… Continue lendo

The future of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

In these times when technology advances by leaps and bounds, the question of replacing medical work with artificial intelligence arises. Is this our biggest threat or do we need to discuss several other issues much closer beforehand? Teleradiology, whose standardization was carried out by the CFM through Resolution 1890/2009 and … Continue lendo

The medical record in Diagnostic Imaging services

Initially, it is necessary to establish a fundamental premise in relation to the object of this article: the exams (films and reports) are an integral part of the patient's medical record, under the terms of CFM Resolution nº 1638/02 and CFM Opinion nº 10/09. It is never too much to emphasize that the custody of the medical record, in turn, is regulated by … Continue lendo

Death Note

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Armando Rocha Amoêdo, which took place on January 29, 2018, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Doctor. Amoêdo was one of the most important pediatric radiologists in Brazil, being responsible for the dissemination of this subspecialty in our country, participating in the training of numerous radiologists and … Continue lendo

Learn more about the Quality Factor

The questionnaire on the Quality Factor for radiology and diagnostic imaging clinics and services is now available from the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS). Click here to complete. ANS provides that services that have accreditation are entitled to the best index in the application of the Quality Factor stipulated by Law No. 13,003/2014 and … Continue lendo

Guarding/Archiving images and reports: What should doctors know?

The purpose of this article is to bring together, in a punctual and systematic way, the necessary guidelines regarding the theme “safekeeping and archiving of images and reports” – based on existing legislation and opinions on the matter. Here are the most relevant topics: The exams (films and reports), despite sometimes receiving different treatment, … Continue lendo