Padi holds the last class of 2024 for the Internal Auditor course

Between November 4th and 6th, Padi held another edition of the Internal Auditor course of the Padi Standard, in this edition 16 students were trained. In partnership with Formato Clínico, the course has accumulated almost a decade of history and is consolidated as a reference in the training of auditors for the … Continue lendo

Albert Einstein Hospital becomes accredited by Padi

“Knowing that we are contributing to raising quality and safety standards in the practice of diagnostic imaging is extremely gratifying”, says Dr. Adriano Tachibana, Medical Manager of the Diagnostic Imaging Center at Albert Einstein Hospital The Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging Image (Padi), from the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnosis by … Continue lendo

CBR achieves all objectives in 2023

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) ends the year 2023 with all objectives achieved. During the year, we made progress in the scientific areas, training, professional defense, rapprochement with national and international radiological societies, and on all fronts on which we operate. This was the first year of the biennium in which… Continue lendo

CBR Radiological Protection Commission holds Workshop on Justification, Optimization and Quality in Tomography

The CBR Radiological Protection Commission (CPR), with the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Brazilian Association of Medical Physics (ABFM), Brazilian Society of Nuclear Medicine (SBMN) and National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) , held the Workshop on Justification, Optimization and Quality in Tomography, in the week of January 23rd to 27th, … Continue lendo

Padi coordinates the topic on quality and accreditation at the 41st Congress of Hospital Administration and Health Management at the Medical Fair

Patient safety, indicator management, Peer Review of exams and a successful case of implementation of the Padi accreditation are some of the topics that will be presented at the Health Management Congress Padi – Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging, is the only specific accreditation in diagnostic imaging. Created in 2015 by … Continue lendo