ABCDI: 20 years strengthening diagnostic imaging clinics
The Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Imaging Clinics (ABCDI) completed 20 years in defense of strengthening the sector.
The Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Imaging Clinics (ABCDI) completed 20 years in defense of strengthening the sector.
By Carlos Moura* In the supplementary health segment in Brazil, in the last 20 years, due to the difficulty for managers to understand the risks and impacts of commercial negotiations with health operators, they have taken advantage of this scenario. In addition to not replacing inflation in the values of the procedures, they manage to reduce the values … Continue lendo
Absolute success! With record enrollments, module 2 of the Clinical Management Course of the Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Imaging Clinics (ABCDI) took place on June 23 and 24, at the association's headquarters, in São Paulo (SP). Participants highlighted the importance of addressing key industry-specific issues unique to the course … Continue lendo
Risk management in diagnostic imaging was the subject of a webinar promoted by the Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging (PADI).
ABCDI opens vacancies for Module 3 of its Clinic Management course: “Learning to Negotiate Effectively With Health Operators”.
The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) will hold its 1st Symposium on Quality and Clinic Management.
Enrollments were opened for the new class of the Internal Auditor – Norma Padi (Version 5) course based on ISO 19011:2018.
Clinical Engineering plays a key role in radiology and diagnostic imaging services in order to optimize management.
The current Padi Standard brings important changes in relation to the previous one on topics such as Teleradiology, LGPD - General Data Protection Law, Ethical Dilemmas and Patient-Centered Care.
“High Performance Corporate Management Model for Clinics” is the theme of Module 2 of the Clinics Management course offered by ABCDI.