Death Note

It is with great regret that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news about the death of the radiologist and my great friend Dr. Victor Luiz Bon. Dr. Victor was a senior physician at CBR and a Radiologist at CHN (Complexo Hospitalar de Niterói) and at Proecho Niterói. The CBR, in … Continue lendo

CBR electoral process will start later this month

The calendar of the electoral process that will decide the board of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) for the biennium 2021/2022 was approved. The registration of plates will take place between May 25th and June 5th, 2020. The electoral campaign will take place from June 29th to September 8th … Continue lendo

CBR Workplace: be part of this network with more than 8,000 radiologists!

Since its launch, almost 3 years ago, Workplace's objective has been to bring together residents, radiologists and professors in different interest groups, expanding the capacity for interaction in the radiological community. Many activities have already been carried out within the platform to contribute to this mission, which continue to be highlighted and adapted according to needs … Continue lendo

CBR and SBACV publish Consensus on Duplex Scan (Color Doppler Ultrasound) for the Assessment of Chronic Venous Disease of the Lower Limbs

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) and the Brazilian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery and its São Paulo Regional Office have recently published this important document, whose objective is to elucidate, step by step, the performance of a venous color duplex scan, emphasizing anatomical and technical details and trying to contribute to the formation of … Continue lendo

Death Note

It was with great sadness that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of Dr. Celia Bastos Pereira. Dr. Célia was a radiologist and worked for many years as a professor at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), teaching generations of interns and residents, from radiographic studies and … Continue lendo

Radiology in the spotlight: Member of the CBR could be the Grand Winner of the Euro Innovation in Health Award

We interviewed Dr. Eduardo Fleury, radiologist associated with the College, Full Professor of Radiology at the undergraduate course in Medicine at Centro Universitário São Camilo, coordinator of breast imaging at IBCC Oncologia and physician responsible for one of the 100 best initiatives of the Euro Innovation in Health Award, selected in amidst 1,650 other initiatives from … Continue lendo

Death Note

It was with great regret that the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of Dr. Marcelo Benicio dos Santos. Dr. Marcelo was the son of Dr. Itazil Benicio dos Santos, former president of the CBR. He had a brilliant trajectory: He graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Bahia in 1978 and … Continue lendo

CBR opening hours during the Tiradentes holiday

Important: Due to the decree of the Governor of São Paulo, which establishes April 20, the Monday eve of the Tiradentes holiday, as an optional point, we inform you that we will not have service on these days. We will return to our normal activities with distance service (telephone and digital channels) on Wednesday, April 22nd.

CBR asks for flexibility and renegotiation of payments for Radiology clinics

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) is mobilizing suppliers in the segment to renegotiate contracts or make debts and payments for inputs, maintenance contracts and acquisition of new equipment for diagnostic imaging clinics more flexible. The action aims to economically protect the sector that is already suffering from impact and losses … Continue lendo