CBR participates in a public hearing at the Chamber of Deputies

The CBR participated, last Tuesday (22), in a public hearing of the Special Committee on Technological Innovation in Health of the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasília (DF). The hearing was requested by federal deputy Juscelino Filho (DEM-MA). In addition to the College, industry representatives (Armando Correa Lopes Junior, from Siemens), deputies and the general public participated. That commission… Continue lendo

Discover the new ANS QUALISS Program search engine

QUALISS aims to encourage the qualification of all health service providers (hospitals, clinics, laboratories and health professionals) in supplementary health and consists of disclosing previously defined qualification attributes in a transparent manner and assessing the qualification of service providers . In this way, QUALISS increases the availability of information … Continue lendo

Workplace surpasses 3,000 users; know some experiences

There are already more than 3 thousand users. Workplace, a platform to share knowledge and make contacts launched in June by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) is a great success. The number of interesting cases frequently posted, the discussions generated by them and the various subjects relevant to the area, such as … Continue lendo

Former president of CBR will command Flaus from 2019

The Doctor. Antonio Carlos Matteoni de Athayde, president of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) in 2015 and 2016, became, on July 14th, by unanimous vote, president-elect of the Latin American Federation of Societies of Ultrasonography (Flaus). The fact occurred in an assembly held during the XVIII Congress of the entity, … Continue lendo

CBR supports note from CFM and AMB on statement by the Minister of Health

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) supports the note to society issued by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) on July 13, 2017 (https://amb.org. br/noticias/amb/amb-e-cfm-rebatem-comentarios-pejorativos-do-minister-ricardo-barros-e-ressaltam-verdade-sobre-gestao-do-sus/), in which our representative entities contest a recent declaration of Mr. Minister of Health, Ricardo Barros. Board of the CBR

Examination and report without medical order

A subject that always comes back to the agenda in consultations formulated by the members of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) refers to the performance of exams and the elaboration of reports without a medical request. After all, is it allowed or not to carry out tests and prepare the respective report without a medical request? Such conduct can… Continue lendo

The importance of understanding the structure of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging exams

The best-known tables used as a reference in the Brazilian market in the supplementary health segment are: the Brazilian Hierarchical Classification of Medical Procedures (CBHPM), Unified Supplementary Health Terminology (TUSS) and Rol of the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) to determine coverage mandatory minimum of procedures. In none of them are there exams that overlap, or … Continue lendo

Result of the scientific work comes out on the 10th

On July 10, the result of the abstracts of scientific papers approved at the XLVI Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR 17) will be announced. It will be made available on the website: www.congressocbr.com.br. It is worth remembering that the authors of approved papers must send them in full, in presentation format (ppt), by August 14, 2017. More information … Continue lendo

SC: Election for the 2017-2020 board takes place in August

The Santa Catarina Society of Radiology (SCR) informs that the election for the 2017-2020 triennium board will be held on August 28, 2017, with the transfer of mandate and the inauguration of the newly elected board scheduled for September 19, 2017. Interested in running for the positions of the new board … Continue lendo

Join CBR's Workplace: the tool to share knowledge and network

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) has a new virtual platform for the integration of physicians who work with Image Diagnosis. This is Workplace, a tool developed by Facebook with restricted access to guests. The invitation was sent by e-mail on June 6th only to members of the College. After the … Continue lendo