Albert Einstein Hospital becomes accredited by Padi

“Knowing that we are contributing to raising quality and safety standards in the practice of diagnostic imaging is extremely gratifying”, says Dr. Adriano Tachibana, Medical Manager of the Diagnostic Imaging Center at Albert Einstein Hospital The Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging Image (Padi), from the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnosis by … Continue lendo

First public consultation on version 5 of Norma Padi

Stay inside and participate! The Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Program (PADI) has a three-year periodicity for reviewing its assessment standard. The reason for this periodicity is so that the principles and requirements are constantly aligned with market practices, Brazilian legislation and national and international guidelines for … Continue lendo

Learn more about the Quality Factor

The questionnaire on the Quality Factor for radiology and diagnostic imaging clinics and services is now available from the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS). Click here to complete. ANS provides that services that have accreditation are entitled to the best index in the application of the Quality Factor stipulated by Law No. 13,003/2014 and … Continue lendo

Sírio-Libanês is the first hospital to receive PADI certification

Hospital Sírio-Libanês received, on June 6, at its Teaching and Research Institute in the city of São Paulo (SP), the certificate from the Accreditation Program in Diagnostic Imaging (PADI) from the Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR) , being the first hospital service and the third establishment in the country to obtain such accreditation. Were … Continue lendo

Quality of health service providers can now be consulted

The National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) released the results of the Qualification Program for Health Service Providers (Qualiss). With this, beneficiaries of health plans and other interested parties can consult, on the regulator's website, the hospitals, clinics, laboratories and health professionals that meet important criteria related to the quality of care. Through … Continue lendo