CBR achieves all objectives in the scientific area in 2023 

“We had a very productive year, with great achievements for CBR and radiologists. We have shortened distances and expanded the frontiers of Brazilian radiology”, says Dr. Ronaldo Baroni, Scientific Director of CBR” The Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) ends the year 2023 with several objectives achieved in … Continue lendo

Check out the new episodes of the CBR podcast

Between the months of November and December, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) released three more episodes of the CBR podcast. The fifth edition of the Podcast was launched on November 8th and addressed the subject “The art of Radiology: Praise, Love and always continue”. The sixth episode has been released… Continue lendo

The 2024 Annuity campaign has started

The 2024 Annuity campaign starts today (December 1st). It is through it that the member of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) collaborates with the Brazilian radiological society. It is worth remembering that the entire amount raised from the annual fee is fully invested in courses, events, webinars, partnerships, defense of… Continue lendo

CBR was present at the 31st Gaúcha Radiology Conference

The 31st Jornada Gaúcha de Radiologia took place between the 17th and 18th of November, at Barra Shopping Sul, in Porto Alegre (RS). We had a stand at JGR to welcome congress attendees and answer any questions our members had. Stay up to date on CBR's social media, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn In addition to the stand, the… Continue lendo

Radiologist Day is celebrated on November 8th

Radiologist Day is celebrated on November 8th. This day was selected because on November 8, 1895, physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the existence of x-rays. The date is celebrated worldwide due to an initiative of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), together with the Radiological Society… Continue lendo