CBR grants an interview about Chernobyl to the SAÚDE magazine portal

Due to the success of the series Chernobyl, produced by HBO, the subject gained strength in the media and the CBR, as the main source of information for journalists when the subject involves Radiology, was sought by the SAÚDE magazine portal to talk about the subject. The College's Director of Communications, Dr. Hilton Muniz Leão Filho, and … Continue lendo

Registration open for the MBA Management in Diagnostic Medicine

Classes will start in April, at the CBR Continuing Medical Education Center (CEMC CBR) Launched in September last year, during the celebrations of CBR's 70th anniversary, the MBA Management in Diagnostic Medicine, in partnership with FIA (Fundação Administration Institute), an opportunity for professionals seeking to update and develop … Continue lendo

CBR Board sworn in for the 2019-2020 biennium

The inauguration ceremony of the elected board, chaired by Prof. Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, took place on Thursday night (17), at the College's headquarters, in São Paulo, with the presence of associates, members of the previous board and former presidents of the CBR, in addition to guests from Societies and Organisms in Health . The ceremony opened with the … Continue lendo

Diagnosis in Endocrinology and Metabology is the theme of a symposium in São Paulo. Check the schedule!

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine (SBPC/ML) and the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SBEM), invite you to the Symposium – Diagnosis in Endocrinology and Metabologia, which will take place on February 23, at the Hotel Intercontinental São Paulo (Alameda Santos, 1123, … Continue lendo

Death Note

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Armando Rocha Amoêdo, which took place on January 29, 2018, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Doctor. Amoêdo was one of the most important pediatric radiologists in Brazil, being responsible for the dissemination of this subspecialty in our country, participating in the training of numerous radiologists and … Continue lendo

Learn more about the Quality Factor

The questionnaire on the Quality Factor for radiology and diagnostic imaging clinics and services is now available from the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS). Click here to complete. ANS provides that services that have accreditation are entitled to the best index in the application of the Quality Factor stipulated by Law No. 13,003/2014 and … Continue lendo

Guarding/Archiving images and reports: What should doctors know?

The purpose of this article is to bring together, in a punctual and systematic way, the necessary guidelines regarding the theme “safekeeping and archiving of images and reports” – based on existing legislation and opinions on the matter. Here are the most relevant topics: The exams (films and reports), despite sometimes receiving different treatment, … Continue lendo