CBR achieves all objectives in 2023

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) ends the year 2023 with all objectives achieved. During the year, we made progress in the scientific areas, training, professional defense, rapprochement with national and international radiological societies, and on all fronts on which we operate. This was the first year of the biennium in which… Continue lendo

CBR Webinar: Check out the first themes of 2020 and get ready!

The first webinar of the year will take place on February 18, with the theme Update on Imaging Diagnosis of Inflammatory Sinus Diseases In July 2019, CBR Educa CBR, which brings together all CBR educational actions, gained a new initiative: the CBR Webinar, which aims to address major themes, from … Continue lendo

New from the College, Webinar CBR is successful among participants

The first transmission of this new and important educational action by CBR took place on July 2nd. The activity, which is a kind of videoconference, addressed the theme “Management of the solitary pulmonary nodule: expert tips”, under the command of Dr. Isabela Müller and moderation by Dr. Valdair Muglia, scientific director of the College. The CBR Webinar … Continue lendo

New edition of the Hands On CBR Course deals with Interstitial Lung Diseases

After addressing the theme “Pancreas” in its first edition, held in December 2018, the Hands On CBR Course takes place again in March, now addressing “Lung Interstitial Diseases”. The course will feature a theoretical context related to the most recent consensus on interstitial pneumonia and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. So approximately… Continue lendo

CBR conducts the Specialist Title test one day before the Congress

On October 11th, the eve of the start of the XLVI Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR 17), the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) will hold in Curitiba (PR) one more exam to obtain the Title of Specialist in Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis and Imaging Diagnosis with exclusive performance in Ultrasound … Continue lendo